BancMac Business Support Services
Underwriting help line
- Call 888-821-7729 for answers to general underwriting questions and loan scenarios - brainstorm with BancMac on how to get a loan done!
- Arm your borrowers with negotiating power by having BancMac run a pre-qualification to determine the largest loan they can qualify for, and
- Strengthen their negotiating position by providing their mortgage pre-qualification before they even shop for a home.
Expedited loan underwriting and mortgage processing...
BancMac uses the latest, most advanced technology in mortgage origination!
- Use BancMac to obtain fast, streamlined, and reduced-document mortgage approvals.
- Submit a loan through our TPO Connect Portal through EllieMae, or utilize our full Encompass Origination system.
- Access automated underwriting from your desktop via the Internet...or...simply let us do the data entry and relay back a quick loan decision
- With either option, you'll realize the benefits
- Streamlined documentation
- Broader and more generous loan guidelines
- Amazingly fast turn-around on underwriting decisions
BancMac 1 on 1 or group training
We offer wide mortgage training solutions from...
- Telephone Support
- In-person 1 on 1 training
- Group sessions
... at your office or ours!